the_jinj Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:49

Cover song collaboration


Been looking on YouTube recently and there are some great cover song collaborations. Basically the drummer lays down a track to the chosen song, sends onto bassist, guitarists etc before it's all mixed with or without video.
Anyone up for taking part? If so show your interest below and maybe a few possible song choices.
Obviously need a way to record your instrument in at least semi decent quality..... good way to improve 

Bill Hicks Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:50

Yeah I'd be up for that. Got any sing preferences?

Bill Hicks Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:51

Bloody automated text. I mean Song preferences 

duncfunk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:51

Yeah count me in for keys and/or brass. Also got an electric drum kit if we don't get a real drummer 

Bill Hicks Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:51

Well any ideas for a track? Me & dunc would probably opt for something a bit groovey/funky? 

suniil Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:52

Please check out the youtube video with id ucg98PfDFnw .In case the genre is interesting, please let me know

KelvinS1965 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:52

I've got an electronic 'kit' rather than a drum machine (Roland TD30K), so it might have more 'feel' than a drum machine. However, I've only just got some gear which includes a basic version of Cubase to allow me to get sound onto my laptop. I've not yet worked out how to get the sound off my laptop other than emailing it as MP3, but no doubt there is something like Soundcloud or get it onto Youtube somehow.

My main question though is how does copyright work on this?

suniil Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:52

In youtube, most of the covers can be claimed for ad earnings if you are with partners like Full Screen.

If you want to publish to iTunes / Google Play / Spotify , then you need license which can be obtained fromMechanical License Clearance by Limelight


KelvinS1965 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:52

Sorry, I'm being a bit dim here and struggling to understand your reply @suniil.

I was really asking whether I/we have any issues putting covers of other musician's songs on YouTube? Not whether I/we could claim anything back for it. Does your reply mean that you have to be registered with Full Screen.

If I just unloaded a cover onto Youtube would I be at risk from getting into any trouble?

suniil Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:53

Kelvin, directly your question please read a.

a. If you just want to upload covers, it must be fine in most cases. Often, your music may get claimed by some agencies and ocassionally get blocked in some countries depends on Copyright T&C

b. A large number of songs are already in Full screen network and can be covered without the worry of Copyright. If you sign up with FullScreen you can earn and percentage of ad-revenue of displayed ads.

c. But you took an effort of learning, interpreting and recording a cover and if you want to get extra income (assuming you have some fan base), you can publish your tracks to iTunes, Google Music, Spotify etc by obtaining Copyrights to release covers.

Please note that above is my understanding and *not* definite answer (but did executed it several times without any problems)
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