Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:16
The can is now empty and after applying 5 spray coats and it is dry to the touch, the whole body has a uniform wet look to it.
I don't think there are any flaws but I'll take a better look when its dry enough to handle.
Next, the long wait for it to dry completely.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:17
Not far off finishing it now by the looks of it, great work!
Have you been practising your tagging, or has some pesky graffiti artists broken in and tagged your wall when you weren't watching.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:18
Lol. That was my sons handy work some years ago.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:19
New pickups arrived today. Slightly taller pole pieces and bigger magnets than the stock Squier's they are replacing.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:20
Wired in the new pickups this morning. I got some new specs earlier in the week, I wish I had then last weekend.
Once the soldering was complete I tested the pickup selection by plugging into the amp and tapping the pickup poles. Checking against a chart I found that some of the selections were in reverse which meant swapping two wires over on the 5 way switch.
Now to get everything off the kitchen table before my wife catches me.
The clear gloss lacquer has been drying for a week now so it's time to have a close inspection. Everything is covered without obvious flaws and there's orange peel aplenty. I'm resisting the urge to give it an overall sanding with 600 grit, in fact I'm considering getting another can and thickening the gloss coat further.
Christian 71
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:20
Looking really good, really nice finish.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:21
I think the lacquer coat looks like it hasn't 'flowed' properly as it almost looks like 'dry spray' in the above post. At the risk of creating runs, I'd be inclined to give it a few more coats and try to get a smoother flow, holding the can a bit closer or moving it more slowly. While you could wet sand the above coat smoother, it may end up very thin by the time you've taken out the orange peel effect.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:21
I agree with your thoughts that why I bought another can.
I have been too conservative trying to avoid runs and not achieved a smooth finish.
I have already applied one more coat ensuring it looked wet and the rough looking finish has improved no end.However it needs a bit of sanding now due to a few specks of dust getting onto it.
Over the weekend I'll apply another three to four wet coats.
I'll add a pic later.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:21
I don't think this picture really captures the difference. It is however much smoother to the touch after the coat I applied Tuesday. I'm sure after a quick rub with 1200 grit to remove the dust specks and the remaining lacquer applied as wet as I dare, it will work out fine. I'm not too concerned about getting a few runs at this stage.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:26:22
Dealing with the specks of dust didn't end well. Those in other places on the body came out quite easily with 600 grit. The one at the arm cut was a different story. It was more of a mark in the finish than a speck, and by the time it was sanded out I was back to the primer. No doubt aided by a heavy hand. The area is about 6mm in length that I will try drop filling.
Anyway, to put that behind me I cheered myself up with a quick mockup on the floor. I'm not sure the black knobs and pickup covers work. Maybe I should try white or ivory? Any suggestions would be welcome.