instigator Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:01

need advice on this song...

You - 2015 G Rough Mix by Note To Self: Don't Die! - Hear the world’s sounds

was going to add more distorted guitars on the choruses but was kinda hoping I could leave it just bass guitar cause that was the original idea... just bass guitar... but is that just too weird?

pajare Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:02

Sounds good to me as it is! ( Mind you I am a Bass player! )


instigator Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:03

ah ha ha... ok thanks dude...

KungFuPro Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:03

How about a version with distorted guitars for an A/B comparision? I'd go with heavier guitars on the chorus (guitarist would say that ) sounds good right now, guess it depends on what works well in the final mix.

duncfunk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:03

The chorus sounds cool but the verses sound really empty because when you take the distortion off the level drops right down. I'd say keep it as it is but bring the level up in the verses and give it a nice clean tone for contrast.

In fact I've just noticed that the drum level changes too. Try and aim to achieve the chorus/verse contrast through textural variation (drums and bass) rather than riding the faders and changing the volume. The master level needs to remain up throughout the track but you can see your waveform drops down on the verses. I'd say leave the chorus as is but work on the verses 

instigator Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:03

Thanks guys...

I'm adding guitars this weekend...

In the meantime here is an older version that has maybe a more technically "better" bass sound but I thought I'd make it more messy and rock-y
Stronger - Single by Note to Self: Don't Die!
iTunes - Music - Stronger - Single by Note to Self: Don't Die!

instigator Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:04

ok here is a new version...

You 16a HIGH by Note To Self: Don't Die! - Hear the world’s sounds

KungFuPro Publish time 25-11-2019 21:25:04

Verse/choruses are more level but I quite liked the volume change on the previous version, guess it depends on the listener. Reminded me a little of 'Garbage - Supervixen', which pulled off the clean verse/heavy chorus well.
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