How "St Anger" should have sounded...
This is superb. Guy sits down and re-records the entire album from start to finish, plays every instrument, and even manages to get a pretty damn good Hetfield impersonator to do the vocals! Shame the actual album didn't sound as good as this! Heard some of this the other day, amazing to think one guy played all the instruments and only spend 6 hours recording the drums, Metallica take 6 years to release one song these days. Singer sounds really good too, just like james on some of the mellower parts, like The Unnamed Feeling.Still think the songs are too long without solos, even after they've trimmed 15 minutes. I'd like to hear 2-3 minute punk versions myself, something like Slayers Undisputed Attitude. Not a bad job at all, sounds good. When you hear them play it live it definitely sounds a lot better, especially without that horrible tinny drum Lars uses on the album.
Have always liked the album although not their greatest. Has some nice heavy riffs  Apples to Oranges IMHO. Sit and copying something is not a biggy if you know what your doing. For Metallica to be collectively creative and even release something back then was a miracle considering how fraught their relationship was at times. very well done. was an album i never got into, i didn't even listen long enough to realise there were no solos, hard to imagine This is excellent, just sitting here listening to the entire thing, so good! Awesome. What a talent. Much better. Although it does remind me of Beatalica. 