Acoustic Amp advice please
Can you please help a total non musician asking for some advice please.My son started playing the acoustic guitar last year and with the help of some lessons is doing amazingly well.
He plays a freshman Electro Acoustic the same as this
Freshman FA1AN Folk Electro Semi Acoustic Guitar: Musical Instruments
and has asked for an Amp for his birthday this year..
could someone please advise or suggest a beginners amp for me to get him...
Unfortunately on top of a car insurance and driving lessons (it's his seventeenth) the budget is low....
so looking at around £75 max however I'm happy to look at used if the condition is good and the amp is right.
thanks. well I did buy one of the stagg ones....seemed they've gone up a bit as mine was 40 quid ...think it might have been the 15 watt model...the link is for the 10 watt one ...don't know how loud he'd want it ?
thought it was alright for the quality was good too Just picked up a near mint Stagg 20w for £40 on Ebay  Nice find. Brace yourself though, hell have an electric guitar in his sights in no time  yeah I give it a week 