Toasty Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:41

I'm really enjoying mine, I had a specific use for the extended lower strings and I'm so glad I can produce the riffs and sound I was hoping for. I would say you need a good musical reason before purchasing an extended range guitar, because as I mentioned earlier, there were a fair few 8 string guitars on ebay with comments such as "didn't get on with the extra strings". For some I guess it was a novelty and it is harder work than a 6 string, but it's doing exactly what I want atm.

I'd also add that I'm glad I ignored 7 String guitars, while I'm using low B a lot, its lovely just to spin off it now and again down to low A or G, love it 

That said, I have a gig in a couple of weeks and I need to dig out the old 6 string for some practice, the 8 string will not be replacing the old ESP any time soon!

weaponx031277 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:42

Going from a 6 to a 7 string isn't that much of a strech. 6 to 8 though is a real struggle. Got to admitt when ive tried 8 strings ive found it difficult.

Toasty Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:43

Indeed, however, shopping round here will help and possibly upping your budget. But no matter what, it takes some time to get used to, however, I'm hooked and love messing around with it. I have to force myself you use all 8 strings though, as playing a chord progression on the normal top E->E strings is quite difficult without practice.

And on the flip side, when I pick up my 6 string again it feels like a Banjo  I didn't anticipate this, but my lead work has improved again, something I was more affluent with as a younger guitarist. I'm more riff heavy nowadays, but this is an added bonus, especially when going back to my ESP, feels so simple to play and my fingers have already had all the stretch exercises they need playing Alter Bridge riffs on the 8 String 
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