1000 Cutts Publish time 25-11-2019 21:20:32

I started out on GarageBand, still use it to play around with ideas when travelling on iPad and then import it into logic. You get a lot of synths with the remix packs ( not sure if these are all included for free now)... Downside is you need to buy a Mac which as you are no doubt aware can be pricey...

martimu Publish time 25-11-2019 21:20:32

It's surprisingly good and we have an old Macbook pro as our computer so was just sat there waiting. I've downloaded a few of the freebies but haven't seen the remix packs - so will check it out thank you!

Nakatsu_Hime Publish time 25-11-2019 21:20:32

If your son gets the synth bug, and wants to invest in a decent synth from the good-old-days, a good start would be either the Casio CZ1000, or CZ101. These can still be picked up for quite reasonable prices.
The Phase-Distortion method used gives some really good sounds. On-board editing can be a challange, but you can get PC-based editors.

He'll probably want a DX7s or DX7-II, in which case, he'd better start saving now 
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