Weird & Unusual Instrument Thread (with pictures)
I just got me a new geetar. Pignose Gold on Black with carry bag.See piccy 
And here's a video of a Pignose done by some old dude. Looks cool man, my mate used to have a mini explorer shaped guitar with a built in speaker, great fun taking to festivals and days out.
I guess my pen blank Flying V guitar could be classed as weird & unusual, built the body from woodturning pen blanks. Not entirely sure why, think I wanted to test how easy spalted, rippled, etc hardwoods were to work with and ended up gluing the lot together. Turned out better than expected and sounded fine too.
I should have left it in block form, might have been uncomfortable on the forearm but think of the sustain! hi - i just joined these avforums the other day and found this thread by browsing around.
here's my custom made single stringed midi bass i had made the other year:
still learning the ins and outs of it but it works great through ableton live