scottaud10 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:19:46

Looking for musicians to perform at Styl:us 2016, 23-24 April

We're giving up and coming artists the opportunity to play at the Styl:us Vinyl Show 2016 on the 23-24 April at the Park Inn Hotel, London Heathrow.

Show description:
Music lovers will be able to feast their passion for vinyl at the UK’s only dedicated analogue music event. With new and used vinyl for sale; turntables galore; hi-fi systems; artwork displays; seminars on turntable set up; classic album listening sessions; plus live music, there will be something for everyone no matter what their relationship with vinyl.

Their will be an events room and we have some spaces left in the scheduled for seminars, live performances or any other events that will be of interest to the audience that the show will attract.

The room will feature a £105,000 Hifi System that can be used to by the organisers for events such as listening sessions, album launches etc.

Ideally acoustic acts as all gear will need to be supplied and brought in by the artist but we're willing to consider anything else.

If interested please send demos and artist bios to or respond on here for information.Submissions close Friday 15th April.

duncfunk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:19:47

Is there a fee or is it an opportunity to get some 'exposure'? 

scottaud10 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:19:48

Hi, this can depend on the popularity of the artist. IF they could promote to a large an audience and draw in crowd then we can budget costs through marketing.
We would always cover out of pocket expenses such as travel and accommodation, if needed for the Saturday evening.
It can also be a fantastic opportunity for an artist to gain exposure.

Alty08 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:19:49

Simple enough question, just answer it in english....

Is there a fee?

scottaud10 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:19:49

No, there is no fee to perform at the event.
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