Current drum setup
Hi all,Just thought I'd share some pics of my current drum setup. 
Yamaha Stage Custom: blue
8", 10", 12", 14" rack mount toms
14" Snare
22" bass drum
Pearl Ikon DR500 3 sided rack
Yamaha pedals
Paiste 14",18" crashes
Paiste 8", 10" splashes
Paiste 20" ride
Paiste 16" china
14" high-hats yeah nice kit 
...a lefty too
used to play as a teenager...which was a long time ago........levitated to guitar nowadays Thank you.
Hehe - yeah, one of those lefties. Try visiting a drum shop as a lefty! Lol
I was similar. Drummed in a few bands late 90s/early 2000s, then switched to keyboards and guitars around 2001/2. Love my PRS 20th anniversary standard 24.
Motif XS8 and Motif ES7 keys. Later downsized to ES7 and XS6.
Did a dep drum gig in August of this year - first drum gig for nearly 15 years!! Great to get the kit out again.
Here's the kit layout in the early 2000s: Nice...... That blackstar a tvp ? the 15 watt version. Yeah, ID30. Cracking sound for the price. Only downside is that the output is 3.5mm rather than 1/4inch. Great fun though.  Yeah used to have a vox vt modeller but the id is miles above .......heard some people compare them to amps that cost a helleva lot more. Liking the drums  Loving the LP. Many thanks. It's an Epiphone rather than a genuine Gibson. Still lovely though.  I would have enjoyed being at that gig  That's very kind. They do a good mix of music. I'd happily fill in for them again. 