I ended up with EZDrummer 2 with the free Indie/Folk expansion, after going through loads of demo's etc.... It's got a lovely sound to it, so intuitive and having fun so far 
Found some third party midipacks here for future ref:
Groove Monkee | MIDI Drum Loops and Bass Loops for Songwriting
Fair bit cheaper than the official packs, probably a fair few sites like that, I'll do some digging when I find I fancy more.
Will get a list up of all the plugins I have so far tonight hopefully, there's a fair few good free one's, and I've tried Amplitube MAX.... damn that's good. Cheap at the moment too from JRR Shop at $299 or $251 with code 'group'.... working out at about £199. Just found out that sale is on till 31st of December, so very chuffed.
Have tried and tested pretty much all the Guitar Amp Sim's (BIAS FX, Guitar Rig, Pod Farm, Overloud FH3, S-Gear, etc....,) and Amplitube MAX seems about the best all rounder for me.