What Pedals to get ?
Just got an electric guitar after many years away and ive a little 10w practise ampWhat basic pedals would you get for messing around with ?
or would a box of tricks that does tons of different sounds be better ? If it's just for home use, get a simple set up like this:
But you might need longer legs than this guy has. Excellent thread here about pedals.Loads of knowledgeable people willing to help you spend your cash!
The learning...pedals thread! Really if you are starting out again a decent amp is a better starting point as a lot of them come with pedals (effects) built in. You will be amazed how much things have moved on if you have been off the scene 10years.
If you are desperate to try some pedals I'd suggest buying used and then you can re-ebay, works out like renting as you can sell for a similar price so just the postage and ebay fees. So what did you end up going for? cheapo overdrive, chorus, delay and phaser - but not really used any properly yet as ive thrown myself into learning a couple of Django Reinhardt classics to try and get my fingers working again  Older thread, but I decided to pitch in with a suggestion for those who may read this in the future.
For the price of two or three decent guitar pedals you could get more for the money buying a multi effects guitar pedal. This is an especially good choice for a beginning guitarist since they don't always know what it is they want or need early on.
The Zoom line of multi pedals are priced reasonably here in the states. Not sure about the UK. Shouldn't be much different there. Formore money the Line 6 POD HD500 or 500x are nice units loaded with effects that would cost much more if bought in single pedal form individually. I'm using a Line 6 variax setup with the HD500. I had no need to use my iPad or iPhone to interface with my guitar effects so the most recent Line 6 products didn't appeal to me as much.
Many who go this route never go back to single pedals. It all depends on the player.