RobTi Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:55

help recommend me an electric-acoustic guitar

Hi all I have decided to try and learn to play after having a shot of a friends crafter, so can anyone recommend a guitar (was going to say beginners but thought not), I have a budget of a couple of hundred if need be and used is not a problem, my only problem is that I don't know a bargain when I see one and on the other hand if it is overpriced, so any help please ?


BT Bob Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:56

Any particular reason you want an electro-acoustic, rather than an acoustic?

There's plenty of options around the £200-mark; you'll find new offerings by Epiphone, Washburn and Fender - all respected makes, and you probably won't go far wrong with anything from either maker.
If you've played a Crafter and liked it, you'll find their HTE-250 around that price-point.

Your best bet is to go to your local dealer and try a few to see which feels nicest to you. Any decent dealer should be able to advise you on suitable models and let you try in-store, and make sure it's set up properly too.

RobTi Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:56

You mention the HTE-250 well on crafters site I got lost after a few seconds looking, and I only mentioned the electro-acoustic as that was what I tried

Winky Publish time 25-11-2019 21:14:57

I have a page called " stupid deal of the day" selected as a favorite on my browser. It's in the US though, so I'm not sure how much the shipping would be for you. They have some really good deals on acoustic guitars usually good beginner guitars. Maybe there's a similar online music retailer there who offers something similar.
Here's the link you can check out- Check it every day and before long you'll see some decent guitars for good prices.

Stupid Deal of the Day | Musician's Friend

If you are a smaller build I would recommend something like a parlor guitar or a guitar with a 24" scale which is a shorter neck. The smaller guitars are easier to play for many people. Martinmakes the X series which are excellent beginner guitars but still priced higher than that budget, yet not much higher. Those guitars sound almost as good as their very pricey line.

If you're a larger person or want a large open sound you probably want a dreadnaught body style.
Nylon stringed guitars are easier on the fingers.

Hands down one of the best values out there is the Epiphone Masterbuilt series. I just bought the 500MCE. Nothing else can touch it in terms of quality and price. The build isn't cheap. Those who play it say it is a good or better than any Taylor, Martin, or Gibson. I would have to agree with that opinion.
TheEpiphone Masterbuilts are out of the range you quoted, but believe me, saving a bit more up to get one is more than worth it  They are a larger guitar.
Here's a recording I made playing mine !

Celtic Starise- Sea Of Glass
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