The sound you're asking about I'd have to guess a bit.
Roland analogues really ruled that era. Often we'd get high end noises like that out of an SH101 but I'm thinking it sounds a little more 'squeezed' than that. A 101 tends to give a very open sound. Could be an MC202 which is incredibly similar in most respects but subtly different in character.
There's a bit of a glide going into some of the notes - 'portamento'. That gives that riff a lot of its character. That was doable on a 202.
I've listened to it 3 times now and I'm all the more convinced it's the 202. I used to use one a lot. I think I may still have it somewhere - I definitely still have a heavily modified SH101.
Ironically, I don't hear much evidence of any LFO's being used  Sorry, only just seen this. Thanks I'll look into it 