Aruffell Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:58

What type of soundproof padding?

Hi all,

I make YouTube videos for a living and just ended up buying a new condenser microphone (Sennheiser MK416) which goes into a Zoom H4n but am finding the sound just a bit tinny and thinking the room has to play a part in terms of echo and reverb.

So with that in mind, I looked around and thought about getting some acoustic foam up on the wall and am unsure as to which shape would be best so thought I'd come here to see what people recommend.

I've attached the 3 kinds I can find at a reasonable price.

Let's call it Toblerone style.
Pyramid style.
Eggcrate style.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


reevesy Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:59

no experience myself..though I have done some soundproofing at home

don't know if you looked ..but might get more info from the diy/building thread.?

think its all a juggling act over the right amount of deadening in the room.

these panels can work out pricey though

did look at this site for a few bits and pieces...not used them but prices look reasonable

Acoustic foam treament soundproofing

Edit...if I remember rightly I think there was thread somewhere in the diy section where people have made there own

duncfunk Publish time 25-11-2019 21:13:00

What are you recording with the mic? You might be better off just getting a mic screen as it can take a lot of foam to deaden a room, particularly if it's a square box room.

If you do want to go down the foam route then it's fairly cheap on Thomann. A few tiles on each reflective wall will go a long way to sorting out the reverb. The different styles are just providing some sound diffusion as you can buy flat ones too.

nero0410 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:13:00

If you're only doing vocals a good mic screen is a good way to go.... or the cheap mans method of shoving the mic and stand in a wardrobe of clothes 

If you play acoustic and go down the foam route, Amazon has even cheaper tiles (plus more of them).. they seem to have a good review:
Wouldn't be a bad idea just for testing purposes, and if you get on with them and need more, then your set 

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