bilbosmeggins Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:38

Wow!That's quite a lengthy tome right there GJ.Great read.Well done that man.And you've gotten more familiar with the DT25 in the process.A win, win situation right there 

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:38

Yes, I enjoyed doing it.And BTW there is a left-handed BM Special  although it's only available in one colour.

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:38

Great comprehensive review Jon. I like your honesty, warts and all, concerning slight defects and comfort. After all, that is likely to be what one can expect. Glad you are happy with it. I know one day, you WILL complete your Dream Rig with it's best part (I have played all three bits), the Variax. Just cant wait for that review

One small thing, 25.5" isn't the 'standard' guitar size. I think Gibson, Epiphone and many others might disagree! Most Gibsons (and copys) including the Les Paul are 24.75". Many Fenders are 25.5" but some, like the Jaguar are 22.5" or 24". It is felt 24-24.75" are easier to bend, 25.5" less cramped. Very much a personal preference.

I actually feel the Fretboard Radius is just as important. Flat (think Ibanez or Jackson 17") is great for high up bending while a slightly curved fretboard (Les Paul 12") or even more curved Strat 7.25-9.5" nice for open chords. And then we have compound radius (example - Strat Deluxe) varying at each end. I have guitars at each end of the curvature, and again purely personal preference which you like.

Just looked, the Brian May is 7.5" radius, curved like the Vintage Stratocasters.

Christian 71 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:38

Ooh now that's very pretty.

Great review Jon, those pictures are making me drool.

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:38

Sound clips have now been added!There's just one that I missed out which I'll add in later, but otherwise my marathon review is complete now 

bilbosmeggins Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:38

I've already got my eye on another lefty so shall have to forego the BM, as nice as it looks 

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:39

I thought you were trying to offload after your recent expenditure Bilbo, not buy more 

bilbosmeggins Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:39

I'll just be swapping my Gibson for a clone, and sticking a load back in the bank if the thing goes according to plan.

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:40

I've just noticed that not all of the sound clips seem to have been uploaded correctly to SoundCloud, so I'll take a look and sort that out.There should be 26 of them in total, a clean and a dirty for each of the 13 different combinations, and right now there are only 21.

UEF Publish time 25-11-2019 21:12:40


Here's me playing the actual real Red Special as loaned by Brian:

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