Naaktgeboren Publish time 25-11-2019 21:09:51

Best place to sell musical instrument?

I'm trying to move any sales away from Ebay, as a result I'm looking for alternatives.Was wondering if anyone could recommend any decent sites to sell musical instruments?I don't think local Facebook groups will attract the right kind of audience.TIA

Axl Publish time 25-11-2019 21:09:52

Gumtree's usually pretty vibrant.I only use it now for sales, always plenty of local interest and never had a problem getting a price was happy with.Always collection only and have met some really cool buyers.

I've duplicated some ads on Trade It and never had a single response.

Habanero Publish time 25-11-2019 21:09:53

I've not used it personally, but have heard others recommend Reverb.

mikeybabes2 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:09:54

You could also try Sound on Sound Magazine - they have a free classifieds sections - but it more for Pro Audio gear rather than home stuff. I sold a Nord Electro on their pretty quickly.

KelvinS1965 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:09:55

I sold a Gibson Les Paul Studio on Gumtree recently and had quite a good response (I got asking price for it too). I've also bought a Fender Telecaster and another Les Paul that were both like new on Gumtree.

I tried advertising on the classifieds here under the 'miscellaneous' section but had little response, though at least it's free.

The only thing I've bought on Reverb (from a shop rather than a private seller) so far was a 'refurbished' iNuke 6000DSP power amp that turned up looking like it had spent 5 years on the road and was full of dust, so it went back.

hyperfish Publish time 25-11-2019 21:09:56

Another vote for Gumtree. eBay fees and the horror stories about dodgy buyers put me off after one sale.

I've sold 2 amps, a recorder and a guitar on Gumtree, met in person each time and all proceeds went straight into my pocket.

Each time was a haggle but I factored that into my asking price.

Kailash Publish time 25-11-2019 21:09:57

gumtree is good. try to post clear pics and plenty of them, give as much info as possible. will stop you getting dozens of texts with questions

misterS3 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:09:58

As well as Gumtree try some Facebook groups

nero0410 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:09:59

Indeed. I've sold all my guitars on local facebook groups, got decent prices, they picked up and they sold within a few days 


darkmavis Publish time 25-11-2019 21:10:00 is ok for stuff too 
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