dUnKle Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:56

Learning to play the banjo

I've always wanted to play an instrument.As a kid I tried a few but ive just never managed it,

I'm not the most patient and a bit of a numpty so usually get frustrated but for my 41st I got a banjo

So are there any decent online guides / videos for someone like me who can try and get something out of it

This is the banjo I have


hyperfish Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:57

Nice. Never tried one but Google banjo tuning and banjo chords to give you a start. A cheap clip on tuner will be handy if you don't already have one. Then look for YouTube tutorials. Good luck 

dUnKle Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:58

I shall have a Google

Chris Muriel Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:58

Join the Banjo Hangout where you'll find lots of advice and resources. I don't believe I am allowed to post a direct link as it's a forum (amongst other things). Look online for Banjohangout dot org.
There are quite a few UK members - and we do have an annual meet-up.
Within it is a UK group as well.
There is a "find an instructor" facility and you can also take lessons via Skype. There are many links to banjo basics video lessons too.
Finally there is a related Google Hangouts chatroom with audio and video. I have been knownm to give other users advice and demos via this related chatroom.
You haven't stated what styles or genres you're interested in playing.
I started out wanting to play bluegrass but now also play (5-string resonator) banjo in a cajun band, 2 rock bands and a ceilidh band and will be playing at an Irish music session tonight.
(I use a different banjo, with loud pickup for the rock stuff).

dUnKle Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:58

Thank you ?
Styles ? Oh now you complicate things lol

If I could just make a coherent sound I'd be happy.
But I guess as it's a banjo, then the dialing banjo from deliverance would be ideal, I'd also quite like to be able play the game of thrones theme on it just as something else

The instrument itself feels lovely and very well built and came from local company

Chris Muriel Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:58

Standard Asian bottlecap banjo; if you order 100 of them, they'll put your own custom name of brand on it.
They are perfectly adequate as a starter banjo if correctly set up. Duelling Banjos was originally played by 2 banjos (no guitars) and called "Feuding Banjos". It's played in bluegrass style and includes some standard Scruggs rollls.
I assume you have an electronic tuner (standard guitar tuner on chromatic setting will do).

dUnKle Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:58

No, no tuner, need to get one

Barnes and Mullins Banjo Perfect Gaelic-Irish Tenor 4 string is the actual Banjo. Constructed locally

Chris Muriel Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:58

They sure make them look attractive.
That's a 4-string (plectrum) banjo in your link, but your picture in your initial post is a 5-string.

Tempest Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:59

By Christmas, I will be expecting something like this from you....

Chris Muriel Publish time 25-11-2019 21:08:59

Not my style but the banjo parts he played don't look that hard (for an experienced player). I do play Apache, Telstar, Albatross and similar on banjo; also Chariots of Fire. It always amuses my bluegrass and folkie friends.
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