dedindi Publish time 25-11-2019 21:07:28

not music, but amazing nightingale song

this season, nightingale nests only 10 meters from my recording studio
recorded him these nights

chain: mic pair AKG414 -> Drawmer 1969 -> EQ EAR825 -> Manley Vary mu

Gingerbeard Publish time 25-11-2019 21:07:30

Absoultely love this and you may have just inspired me to do something similar. Having recently moved to rural Derbyshire and there is no shortage of wildlife, especially birds and specifically owls. Just this week I have been woken up twice to barn owls screaming in the middle of the night, it really is something. Also, saw my first tawny owl a few weeks ago, it was around 10pm and it was just sat on a telephone line over a field looking for a meal. I can hear them most evenings as well with there classic tawit tawoo call

dedindi Publish time 25-11-2019 21:07:30

here we have very few owls, so bats terrorize my attic and wake us up at night =)

birds are very musical, this is what the nightingale sings:

hyperfish Publish time 25-11-2019 21:07:31

Yeah, but does it djent? 
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