Publish time 25-11-2019 04:53:08
Rather than be a smart arse why don't you try to be helpful.
If you have a PC v1.5.0 working differently then why not share the knowledge rather than childish sniping.
My PC installation does not open at the last page read.I agree it should and incredulous it doesn't - so I don't rule out something not working properly, though I can't see how as all I have done is installed, linked to an Amazon account and downloaded a book - so what am I doing wrong.
Note - I'm talking about the PC windows version - I have never described any mobile app version.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:53:08
Cripes, will do....
Am not at home ATM, but ipadand iPhone apps are the most up to date versions...
I also think, but am not sure that the pc version prompts you to update if one is available.
Note,I have only got it to work with items purchased amazon thinking about it...
I use iBooks for all my non purchased reading once converted through calibre...
So perhaps it's a function only enabled on purchased content?
But if you google kindle whisper sync you will see exactlybwhat I'm talking about.... Syncing material across your devices is the relevant paragraph
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:53:09
Apologies for getting ratty.I'm afraid the 'fact...' wound me up - to me it was like saying "well it may not work on your OS, but I have it working on entirely different OS's so you must be doing something wrong".
Anyway - I shouldn't have snapped - sorry.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:53:10
Meh.... A bottle of red down, I probably should know better!
I will check pc version etc when I get to work and see if there's a way turning it on or off....