cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:44

Does anyone know what issue the Green Lantern cover below is from.

I saved it ages from somewhere dc or newsarama and it's save name is green_lantern_dcnu_02 so i thought is was issue 2 but i cannot see it anywhere to confirm.

There is an issue 1 reprint and 1 reprint variant so i wonder if it's the latter of those but i have been after it for ages.

Thanks, any cool variants to look for this month ?

FullerAwesome Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:45

It's the variant for War of the Green Lanterns Aftermath #2

It's my iPhone background. 

cebs_uk Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:45

Cheers, it been my desktop for ages but i never saw the cover in the shop.

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:45

I wasn't a big fan of the first issue but I thought that the second was better so it's managed to dodge the cull for one more issue at least.

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:45

Justice League 2 was worth waiting for and it's nice to see the group slowly coming together. Legion of Superheroes wasn't so good though so it's bye to that for now.

Soundwave Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:45

Picked up a few more #2's last week...

Batman & Robin
Green Lantern

Out of everything so far I'm most excited by Detective comics...that's lovely & a must keep on the subs list
Red Lanterns - a really good take on the Lanterns & I'm itching to see where they go with it.

Green Arrow is dropped, just not interesting enough

I haven't Read GL 1 or 2 yet as I'm waiting on Aftermath #2 to arrive before I start on that series.

Will be picking up Justice League & GL Corps this week

I'm not really sure on Batman & Robin so far...I don't really like Damien the way he's written is just annoying & as I never read any of the arcs that lead up to him becoming Robin means he's a brand new element to me & as I've always been used to the old Robins I'm just not sure on him.
I'll give it another issue or 2 but that may well get dropped yet.


NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:45

Totally worth waiting for - some common sense being shown when ...

There's some wonderful stuff in there for our beloved Mods this month, so if you don't get spoiler tags, then look away now:


You were warned!


Iccz: effortlessly takes on Batman, Green Lantern AND The Flash

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:46

Having read less than a handful of Justice League in the past, I am absolutely loving these. My MASSIVE order from Economics came yesterday in a huge box packed with wotsits, and JL was the first one I read last night.

Newman, spot on, Superman did look super in all of that and I loved the banter in all of it, and Jim Lee's art?  90% of the panels would look awesome on my walls (after I got rid of the missus) and I would probably sell my left nut for the Batman/Superman splash or even the Superman/GL splash pages.

For anyone thinking about this and undecided, pick them up - even a diehard non super superhero comic book lover like me loves em...

Soundwave Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:46

Sounds awesome

I'm off to my local tomorrow to pick up this week's number 2's & I'm looking forward to JL now 


NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:52:46

Jim Lee   Scott Williams will always automatically equal win. Throw Geoff Johns in there too, and it's like watching one of these "Super bands" like Audioslave or Velvet Revolver - but in comic form... Like TB says, the way it was drawn, you could almost feel the raw power coming from Superman throughout that entire confrontation. Totally unstoppable... That to me is the sign of good writing - when unprepared for such a confrontation, there really should be no reason why any of the rest of the Justice League should be able to put Superman down.

I've not read any JLA before really, I just know about them through my brother, who has always been the big DC fan (I've always been Marvel), and to say I'm loving it really doesn't do it any, well, Justice!
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