Comic Valuation Question
Not sure if anyone here knows, but this is my first port of call before going to specialist forums.I know quite a bit about general valuation of comics but from everything I've read, I have no idea what a signed copy is worth in terms of value. Do they just stick to the guides and take it as the cover being defaced? Or do they take in to account that the artist has signed the cover?
I've read there are special CGC tag colours for copies signed when witnessed by a CGC valuer, but that's all I can find.
Reason I ask is I'm trying to value up some comics and I have a signed comic and I don't really know how to value it... any thoughts? I believe CGC will only give it it's base value unless it has been signed in front of one of their representatives or some evidence can be supplied that the the signature is genuine.
I would value it at its base price personally. This is what I thought, my main concern was whether or not it'd be devalued based on the signature.
What strikes me is I know that Jim Lee has often had signings where selling signed comics they have sold for around 10 times the price of the comic, it does make you wonder why people buy these when there is no certificate or anything to them that can confirm their value/authenticity. It may be worth having a look on the collectors society forums for help The chaps over at comicspriceguide forums generally seem to be saying it decreases value just as much as if Joe Bloggs signs it unless it has a certificate.
Which doesn't bother me as I know it's a genuine one and I don't really plan on selling it, plus it's what I was expecting. Just trying to find 100% clarification on it. Seems like I'm as close as confirmed now anyway 