What books/GN's did Santa bring you?
I got Vol 11 of the Walking Dead, and 8 of Y The Last Man.  i gotwalking dead volume 1
daredevil the man without fear (thanks secret santa  )
the rest of scott pilgrim ( i have volume1)
batman hush Doh forgot I got the 2 Red Hood GNs myself - I got them from me mum when we had Christmas the other week - my mum is off on a cruise over Christmas and the new year so we have Christmas early. just the two of us ? ...we must have been the only good boys this year  American Vampire
Power Girl (not nearly as **** as it sounds)
Gonna have to purchase myself a few with the vouchers I got too. Didn't get any as we didn't do much of a Christmas this year, with my brother in Canada, my sister living in Turkey and another sister who wasn't going to be at my parent's, it was only me, my parents and a couple of my sisters, so we didn't really do any presents. As a result, (and as a result of no girlfriend to buy presents for, either) I've saved an absolute buttload of money, which I plan to throw at Forbidden Planet on the rest of the Siege Premier Hardcovers and anything else which catches my eye... I can just see Santa now, Metro, tick!, Theydon, tick! Hillskill...hmmm, there was that incident earlier in the year with that homeless man....so he is off my list, Newman, tick, no wait, cross that out, I still have not forgotton what he did back at a party in 2005!
 I didn't get any books from Santa but I did get £25 to spend on ebooks  :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 I got some from my Secret Santa on the forums, but apart from that I mostly got books this year as I was starting to run short, I'm sorted for a few months now though means I can concentrate on buying more GNs 