DC Comics Hardcovers
Hi Folks,Looking to pick up some of the classic Bronze Age stuff from DC which has been collected in HC recently.
New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol 1
New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol 2
Justice League DC Archives Vol 10
Legion Of Super-Heroes - Darkness Saga Deluxe Edition
Legion Of Super-Heroes - The Curse Deluxe Edition
Anyone have any experience with these? I know DC don't put as much effort in with their collected editions, Usually having glued binding instead of sewn and tight gutters. The DC archives are usually quite nice though.
All these books seem so expensive though, Don't really want to part with the cash if they are going to be a pain to read! The paper stock and binding is never even close to the quality that Marvel produces yet their books seem much more expensive  I agree I collect some of them mainly The Flash, green lantern and Mystery In Space which the latter love the simplistic style that main character always comes up with a brilliant solution the a mystery.
The paper is very poor the glossy marvel and I hate the blank bottom of pages, I love to see some of the avert for the other comics that use to be there. The covers where so great back then than the boring old stuff that if they swapped a 100 covers round today it would still not be unrepresentative of what was inside.