50 Years of the Incredible Hulk
Well the 50th Anniversary of the Hulk seems to have been almost forgotten by Marvel. They did a red/green Hulk 'smash-aversary' logo on some covers, but nothing special like they did for the FF or Spidey.Just for fun I made up my own logo and had it printed on a mug, but wondered if anyone else would like a bash at making their own logo and posting it here?
The Spidey logo is here:
The FF logo is here:
I'd love to see what other people would design for the Hulk.
Gary Hello mate,
this is one of my favourite Hulk covers and might look good with
the green one bearing up under the strain of a large 50.
Barry Hi Barry,
Funnily enough I did think of that Steranko cover, as well as the one used for FOOM 2 (from an original used on Marvelmania mag 3 I think it was), but in the end I used one of Kirby's Hulks from the 60s:
Only because he was the first to draw the Hulk, and it was the pose from a large poster I used to own as a kid. 
I was wondering if anyone else had had a go of making their own 50th anniversary logo, but I guess I'm one of those few sad people that hasn't grown up when it comes to Silver Age Marvel!
Gary typical Kirby pose and toes