Free Kindle recommendations?
Just got my ipad and have downloaded the kindle app. I see there's 341 pages of free books on Amazon itself so i wondered if anyone had any good ones? I like techno thrillers, Cussler, Dan brown, Clancy etc as well as lee Child etc. You had me worried with that title  Im looking for a free books too but it's impossible to find one with ipad. Welcome to the boards , please do not do as most of your kinsman have done and spam these boards, as you will quickly be shown the door. Well, I have read a few of the free books, and they are of variable quality. I honestly can't even remember any of the titles - one about Vampires, there was one about some sort of near future space shuttle type Apollo 13ish drama, some others. Also there are many classics - Treasure Island, Moby Dick, lots of Dickens etc, available.
If I were you I'd just download loads of them - they're free, after all. Check the Amazon reviews as well, as they can give a feel for how good the book is.
I'd also recommend signing up for the Kindle Daily Deal. This offers a book a day at 99p. I've bought a couple this way - the entire Hitchhikers Guide series (5 books for 99p!), Max by DM Mitchell (excellent and strange thriller)and Pirates - An Adventure With Moby Dick; this is today's (31st May) deal for 99p and is hilarious. But note that the deal really is just for the day - after that, the book will be the normal price.
Phil I check this site daily (its updated hourly)...has good filters so you can search for stuff that you enjoy reading......
Free Books for Your Kindle |
Its brilliant and I have downloaded loads and loads of good free books by using it.The links take you straight to the Amazon book page.OK some are a bit poopie, but loads are brilliant 