Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:32

Conn Iggulden Emperor & Conquerer series

Empire of Silver is out.

Its the 4th book in the series.

Aparently there is a Waterstones special edition out with a short story added as extra to the normal edition for any collectors out there, and there are signed and lined versions floating around from £19 to £35.

Conn Iggulden, Empire of Silver, Signed First Edition | Goldsboro Books

EMPIRE OF SILVER Signed, First Lined & Dated, Waterstones Exclusive Edition - Conn Iggulden

bigtruck Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:33

It's half price in Waterstones for the ordinary copy; I'll be picking it up this weekend

24fanboy Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:34

Oh Mr. Iggulden...he was one of my teachers in school.  Funny bloke, very arrogant though.

I enjoy his books, will pick this up when I get the chance 

Smurfin Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:35

Do signed first editions usually go up in value?There seems to be alot of inconsistency with prices?

I'll be getting this one too, enjoyed the trilogy (well I thought it was a trilogy...didn't realise he was writing a fourth one  )

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:35

Well I have these, bought at normal price and signed by the author either at lanch or at another in the series launch, so I would say yes. 

THE BLADE ITSELF, BEFORE THEY ARE HANGED & LAST ARGUEMENT OF KINGS Signed & Lined Set of 3 books in the First Law Trilogy. - Joe Abercrombie

Smurfin Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:36

Wow  3 Abercrombie books can't be worth £1000?

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:37

As usual, early authors that turn out a decent book have a miniscule print run - Scott Lynch's first book is £100 in Hardback, £150with a squiggle, and probably more for a 'lined' version.

Lined seems to be the next thing in collecting - a little message added to the signature, normally a quote from the book adds a good few quid.

I was very lucky with my Abercrombies - an Amazon dealer had the first book in Hardback for a little over the normal price (£25 or maybe £30? rings a bell) and I luckily picked up the second a few months after launch.

I then got all my books signed (and lined) at the lauch of Arguement of Kings, meeting him in FB in London. 

I have a few Pratchetts signed, but he has not done a signing recently that I have seen, and I missed any one that would have come with the latest book, and my Gemmells (missing the first 4 in hardback) are all signed, except the last one obviosuly, which is signed by his missus instead.

Smurfin Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:38

Wow, you do like collecting!I'm almost tempted to start buying some first editions, but where in general do you get them from?I'm not entirely sure what a "first edition" means, surely the whole initial print run and the books you can pick up in WHSmiths or Waterstones, count as a first edition?

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:39

1st edition definition:

Identify a First Edition Book - guide to first editions

I buy my books from all over really. The last few Pratchett books I have bought from Tescos for instance, as they are £9 instead of £18, but a combination of Waterstones, Tescos, Smiths, FP and Amazon.

I will get the Conn Iggulden book from one of the places I mention above though I think - I dont think I have anything of his signed yet.

Otherwise, the next Abercrombie I will get from Forbidden Planet as I am sure he will do a signing then, and 60% all my Gemmell books where bought at FP on the signing day - earlier ones I have bought in multiple editions (getting better each time, or signed versions when I missed the signing)

yazooo Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:39

Thanks for the reminder, have read all this other books - very good! The first in this and the Emperor series are my favourite.
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