Conn Iggulden Emperor & Conquerer series
Empire of Silver is out.Its the 4th book in the series.
Aparently there is a Waterstones special edition out with a short story added as extra to the normal edition for any collectors out there, and there are signed and lined versions floating around from £19 to £35.
Conn Iggulden, Empire of Silver, Signed First Edition | Goldsboro Books
EMPIRE OF SILVER Signed, First Lined & Dated, Waterstones Exclusive Edition - Conn Iggulden It's half price in Waterstones for the ordinary copy; I'll be picking it up this weekend Oh Mr. Iggulden...he was one of my teachers in school.  Funny bloke, very arrogant though.
I enjoy his books, will pick this up when I get the chance  Do signed first editions usually go up in value?There seems to be alot of inconsistency with prices?
I'll be getting this one too, enjoyed the trilogy (well I thought it was a trilogy...didn't realise he was writing a fourth one  ) Well I have these, bought at normal price and signed by the author either at lanch or at another in the series launch, so I would say yes. 
THE BLADE ITSELF, BEFORE THEY ARE HANGED & LAST ARGUEMENT OF KINGS Signed & Lined Set of 3 books in the First Law Trilogy. - Joe Abercrombie Wow  3 Abercrombie books can't be worth £1000? As usual, early authors that turn out a decent book have a miniscule print run - Scott Lynch's first book is £100 in Hardback, £150with a squiggle, and probably more for a 'lined' version.
Lined seems to be the next thing in collecting - a little message added to the signature, normally a quote from the book adds a good few quid.
I was very lucky with my Abercrombies - an Amazon dealer had the first book in Hardback for a little over the normal price (£25 or maybe £30? rings a bell) and I luckily picked up the second a few months after launch.
I then got all my books signed (and lined) at the lauch of Arguement of Kings, meeting him in FB in London. 
I have a few Pratchetts signed, but he has not done a signing recently that I have seen, and I missed any one that would have come with the latest book, and my Gemmells (missing the first 4 in hardback) are all signed, except the last one obviosuly, which is signed by his missus instead. Wow, you do like collecting!I'm almost tempted to start buying some first editions, but where in general do you get them from?I'm not entirely sure what a "first edition" means, surely the whole initial print run and the books you can pick up in WHSmiths or Waterstones, count as a first edition? 1st edition definition:
Identify a First Edition Book - guide to first editions
I buy my books from all over really. The last few Pratchett books I have bought from Tescos for instance, as they are £9 instead of £18, but a combination of Waterstones, Tescos, Smiths, FP and Amazon.
I will get the Conn Iggulden book from one of the places I mention above though I think - I dont think I have anything of his signed yet.
Otherwise, the next Abercrombie I will get from Forbidden Planet as I am sure he will do a signing then, and 60% all my Gemmell books where bought at FP on the signing day - earlier ones I have bought in multiple editions (getting better each time, or signed versions when I missed the signing) Thanks for the reminder, have read all this other books - very good! The first in this and the Emperor series are my favourite.