stevenM Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:21

Awesome cover Newman. How much did that set you back if you don't mind me asking.

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:22

I don't mind at all. It cost me the princely sum of $8. 

Don't know how limited the run actually is, but it's only available through Midtown Comics - their last mailshot said they still had a few left, if you're after one.

Edit: Just looked, and it's still available - though the price is now $10. I may have got the 20% pre-order discount. vs X-Men #1 Midt_1196015

stevenM Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:23

Lol i was excepting it to be more than that, might have to get myself a copy.

I'm thinking about getting myself some comics with some nice comes to frame and put on the wall in the games room

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:23

The only problem you'd have with framing this cover is that it's a wraparound - that picture takes up the front and back cover, so you'd only see half of it in a frame unless you squished it out flat.

stevenM Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:24

Ok iwon't frame that 1 then. Just wish that some of the sketch covers were not expensive.

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:25

Tell me about it...

I'm waiting for the day that Inked gets so broke he has to consider selling his Walking Dead #1 CGC off cheap. 

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:25

I would outbid you by a penny 

Inked Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:25

Stop talking about me behind my back you swines!

Only just clicked into this thread as I have decided to add A vs X to my pull list and see the last two posts! Gits. Ha ha, I am currently considering selling Walking Dead #1 but believe me, it wouldn't be cheap as prices seem to have gone through the roof on these since the TV show is doing so well (NM copies of #19 are selling for upwards of £100 due to the 1st appearance of Michonne - bout my copy for £10 in November)

jsniper Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:25

I've started reading AvX and so far in enjoying it. I've not read #2 yet. I've got it in a pile to read once I've finished an assignment for Uni.

Going slightly off topic because I can't be bothered with the hassle of a new thread through my phone. Where do you guys subscribe from? I tend to buy mine when I get to a comic shop like forbidden planet but if I could get a sub that's be better 

NewMan Publish time 25-11-2019 04:47:26

A few of us here have subscriptions with Economic Comics. Easy to set up, payment via paypal and the comics tend to arrive well packaged and pretty quickly. 
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