Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:55
The two big supermarkets in my area - Tesco and Sainsbury's - both have their book sections empty, where stock of this trilogy should be, due to the sheer number of idiots buying this piece of trash.
There really is no accounting for taste. I can't see either of these places stocking THE STORY OF O anytime soon.  Hopefully, all the women buying one of the FIFTY SHADES... books, will no longer object to their male partners/boyfriends reading PLAYBOY or watching a porn film?
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:55
Something I can't quite square away with this is the amount of women I've heard who are reading it & then passing it on to their mothers
As above, to me it's like passing a copy of Razzle on to your dad when you've finished with it.
Strange creatures are women.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:55
Hi Bigtruck,
There are also a few mothers passing the book onto their daughters!  Some have said as such, on Amazon's reviews!
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:56
Eewwww; it's just wrong!!
Docta teef
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:56
Oh my poor miss guided friend. You don'y really think it works that way do you?
What a woman chooses to do or read will never justify a mans actions surely you've noticed your alway wrong be default. Anyway im fairly certain most of them won't even think they're reading porn simply because of the form factor its presented in, its not a dvd or a magazine its a book so it couldn't possibly be porn could it? Besides women dont do yhings like that do they?
If that's what people want to read fair do's but I am going to drop it into conversation with the wife just to see the reaction though I think I can predict it in advance.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:56
When i read what Pooch had written, the first thing that leapt into my head was "oh, no it reads like bloody Twilight"
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:56
Yes it's poor, really really poor, but I say let them get on with it.
There is always going to be double standards so not going to worry too much about it, and I think the whole thing is quite funny. Read some extracts that had me in stitches.
Comments from girls I know (don't know any that are not reading them) go from "it's a measure of your own sex life just how out-there you think it is" to "am not telling my husband I am reading it in case he gets any funny ideas".
Currently keeping my eye out on the tube for middle aged women on the tube reading a kindle and looking slightly uncomfortable but licking their lips.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:56
Hi Docta Teef,
No, of course not. But, it would be nice if women reading this tosh would just be open, upfront and honest - they're reading porn.
That's fine with me. I have nothing against a woman reading porn, but just admit it, rather than dressing-it-up as something it isn't.
FIFTY SHADES is NOT romantic fiction.
FIFTY SHADES is NOT erotica.
FIFTY SHADES is NOT racy Mills & Boon stuff.
It's just porn, (and godawfully bad porn at that)!  Just admit it, and then none of the men would be complaining about it. (In fact, I'd hazard a guess that some men would be quite happy to have their lady admit to reading porn, but that's another issue for another day.)
Docta teef
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:46:57
Obviously you. Know pooch I was joking we all know the score. Funnily enough your comments ring very true walked into the living room last night PlayBook in hand "Some ones been reading a lot of.porn recently" Wife looked at me not a clue who I was talking about "Kindle" says me. "That's not porn" straight on the defensive " No it is" I said, "Just because it's a book not a video doesn't keen its not porn" she could not see it at all in the end had to walk away shaking my head laughing. She's a grown woman can read what she wants far as I'm concerned no skin off my nose really.
Funniest point for me though was eating tea in the kitchen ignoring the fact that she didn't talk much and needed a glass of wine with it.We had the radio on they were talking about the stones and started to talk about under my thumb. "What's it about?" she asked well it was to easy to say "Well it's a little bit like the stuff you like to read about"" so instead my reply was "Nothing dear it isn't about anything"