Order of the Stick
My favourite webcomic (which is also available in book form) is having a massive drive to try and get books back into print.Giant In the Playground Games
Using Kickstart, you can pledge some cash and get books and stuff dependant on the amount of cash you want to donate (well really pay for goods)
The Order of the Stick Reprint Drive by Rich Burlew — Kickstarter
If you like humour and Dungeons and Dragons type games, then this webcomic is for you, and helps you try and get reprints (the books contain extra stories not on the web) to start this 800issue story on your shelf.
Oh, and I am not affiliated, just a massive fan.   Internet at work!
Attempt Two and cant be bothered to retype much.
Basically I subscribed. I am missing the Snips and Snails book that is the Dragon Magazine reprints as well as a print of the cast (and all the freebies) This drive has just 2 days to go, and its amazing $58,000 initial target has been smashed beyond anyones expectations, as we have raised $950,000, and looking ready to smash $1 Milllion.
$1 Million, for a webcomic based on a roleplaying game? Mental.
Will Order of the Stick Hit $1 Million On Kickstarter? | The Beat
....for those of you that have never heard of this, I urge you to have a read, and if you fancy it, add to the pledge. $10 will get you about 7? exclusive pdfs of comics that will not be available online. Got all my swag the other day and very very pleased I am too.
Got my Signed books and as mentioned by Rich hiself, little sketches inside too. Very happy! 