New Kindle
Anyone tempted to grab the New Touch or upgrading from a keyboard version? I may upgrade but if a new GUI came with it (exclusive) then it would be a definite.... Happy enough with my keyboard version despite not using the keyboard. The touch is just a bit pointless for me though. I am not sure why those with a keyboard would "upgrade" to one without. Happy with my keyboard, no reason to get new one. I can see why people might find a touch screen more useful than a keyboard, but I can't see many people upgrading just to get the new version.It's not like it's an I-phone where people are socially shunned for not having the latest version  What useful things would a touch version allow you to do? I'm not sure there's anything it can do if you're using a kindle for reading  would only end up with fingerprints all over the screen  Sony have done a touch version for a while now: The software on the touch looks quite good but really don't like the idea of touch screens on e-readers at all and intend to keep using the kindle keyboard until it breaks down. No idea if I'll buy another after that, depends on the state of the devices available when that happens and whether I end up starting to buy e-books over paper books or carry on with just reading freebies and classics on it. Have you tried playing Angry Birds on a Kindle keyboard? 
No, I agree BTW, as an e-reader there is no need for a touch screen.
And trying to become a smart phone would be a foolish move, IMHO.
But if it's the only device you are carrying and if you want to use the browser for example, a touch screen would make navigating a bit easier. Unfortunately amazon don't seem to want you to use the browser on the move as I hear there's no 3g browsing on the touch. The cursor on the keyboard certainly doesn't work very well but it's not really designed to be used for extensive web browsing. Some sites don't work properly with it but in the limited use I've put it to it works well enough for the most part.