Fiction or fact?
Do you like fiction or fact when buying a book?I always like fact, especially historical stuff Both. I tend to read more fiction but I buy a lot of non-fiction nature books, a mix of descriptive and reference types - some are field guides to species (such as a guide to british macro moths) while others are 'about' nature, like Simon Barnes' book on How To Be Wild, or Douglas Adams' Last Chance To See. Never read many fiction books at all. I would much rather read a good history book etc. 90% of my books (around 2000 of them) is fiction, coming in the form of horror, sci-fi, fantasy and hardcovers of comic books. That's my staple diet of Stephen King, Peter F. Hamilton & Terry Goodkind.
I read a bit non-fiction, I'm reading a book about deaths in the Grand Canyon at the moment and I have Slavomir Rawicz The Long Walk on my bedside table, but I don't read many. Most of them I can't digest, I don't like reading about ancient wars or the British empire or what not. I like to read books on survival, like Alive or books on the old polar expeditions things like that.
Another thing is I don't like historical novel because there called non-fiction so you read it and take it as true but then you see another book on the exact same thing which totally contradicts the first book so half of what your reading is fiction anyway. Fiction pretty much all the way for me when reading books to escape. Fantasy, Horror and Espionage etc. Non-fiction doesn't do it for me in that respect.
However I do read a lot of science, astronomy and technology books as they are things that interest me  Like Pete the vast majority of my collection are Fiction (mostly Fantasy) and the closest I get to reality has been Conn Igguldens Caesar and Gengis Khan series. Hmmm, I love both. I love reading a book with fiction and fact in it. Cause when everything go wrong in the reality, fantasy is created. I like a nice mix, I have mainly fiction at home.But i have read most of Bill Brysons books and Tony Hawks.I don't think i have ever read a biography though.I like my Fact based books to have an element of comedy or education about them. Only ever many things to read and learn about! I have tried, but can never seem to get into reading fiction.....I find myself saying...'whats the point' saying that, I would really like to enjoy fiction; I dont really understand why I cant get into it, as I love a good film or theatre production...strange really I prefer facts, especially scientific and historical stuff. But sometimes mix is also nice!