Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:43
Others to look at -
Steven Erikson - Malazan series (10 books of awesomeness)
Ian C Esslemont - Malazan Empire Series (same world as Erikson's - they developed the world/ideas together)
Guy Gavriel Kay - Fionavar Tapestry trilogy
James Barclay - 2 Raven trilogies, the Ascendants books and currently his new Elves trilogy
Scott Lynch - Locke Lamora books (The Gentlemen Bastards)
Patrick Rothfuss - Name of The Wind (Kingkiller Chronicles)
Peter Brett - Painted Man trilogy
Brandon Sanderson - The Way of Kings
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:44
Thanks for thus. Downloaded the sample and really liked it. Now reading book 1 on my kindle
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:45
Loved the PatrickRothfuss novel.Not read the second one yet but it is supposed to be very good too.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:46
Finished book 1 and on to number 2. Enjoyable read and with a twist on the usual magic power story
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:46
Sword of shadows series by J.V Jones is quite good.Gritty in comparison to something like the Belgariad.Most of the others I have enjoyed have already been mentioned
Docta teef
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:47
The dark tower was great but on the whole I would say the story deteriorated as it went on, the last really good book being the wizard and glass.
The most important advice I would is at the end of the story when Mr King gives you the option to see what was inside the dark tower in an "extra".chapter don't look I wish I hadn't
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:47
Dragons of Autumn Twilight, although this is a bit of a rubbish reading (a bit...robotic for my taste, read the book instead), and I normally skip the songs like I did in LotR. Good old classic DnD adventure.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:47
Absolute Awesome books. I can also reccomend Robin Hobb and the Fools Fate and Liveship trader books.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:47
Now on book 4 of Jim Butchers codex alera and can't put them down. Best fantasy I've read in a long time. Highly recommended
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:48
Katherine Kerr Deverry novels (should keep you going for a while)