Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:14
Both the old shopsin Manchester have been gone for years, I cannot remember which went first but the shop on Oldham Road was just upstairs at first from what I can remember then opened downstairs and shifted the comics down there.
I used to go to odyssey 7 most days when I was at school as my bus stop was at the MBS and then I'd visit the one in town , I can remember getting my sealed Death of Superman polybagged from there and was the first time there was a limit of 2 copies each for that issue.
I've used Travelling Man manchester for the last few years and place-in-space for any specials I'd missed from the store.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:14
Is that one on road just the other side of the road to the present Forbidden Planet?
I remember one just off Deansgate that had a lot of old comics downstairs and one near the car park market near Tib Street also one upstairs in a building there but only time I been to Manchester in the last few years is when a Hi-Fi shows been on.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:15
I've also used Travelling Man (Leeds I think it was) via twitter and phone and they have been very helpful, getting stock sent from both stores
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:16
I've also been using Economic Comics for subs and picking up other one off's from random ebay shops. Don't like buying from the forbidden planet in belfast as I find it's cheaper to get them online (as i don't have to pay for city centre parking) and i get them bagged and boarded online included.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:17
I use my Local Comic Shop.
He's been really good for me over the years & recently helped me source some of the Graphic Novels I'd been looking for.
I love the service from them, can pop in for a chat, get on really well with all the staff & I just enjoy the personal touch.
I have my entire pull list with them & only go elsewhere when I really need too like Ebay for the OOP GN's I've had lately.
My current pull is...
Detective Comics
Batman & Robin
Justice League
Teen Titans
Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
GL: New Guardians
Red Lanterns
Transformers: Re-Generation one
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye
Transformers: Robots in Disguise
It's cheaper for me to buy them locally than use an online service once postage is included everything is bagged...don't worry about boarding at the mo...will do when I switch to long boxes but at the mo they are stacked in Paper boxes I've pinched from work  lol
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:17
I've only ever bought graphic novels. Never saw the point in buying the separate tpbs only to have them eventually compiled into a novel for a much cheaper price.
I pretty much buy all of mine from Amazon as they are 99% of the time the cheapest with the odd bargain bought from eBay.
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:18
To some though, TPs are a realtively new thing. If you went back 15-20 years to when Forbidden Planet was in whassname street with the drum kits, you would have seen about 3 TPs on the shelf, one of them Watchmen. Now, quite rightly, they are packaging them in sixes or more with a month or so after the last issue has hit the shelves. To the rest of us, myself included, its all about the collecting of it. Why bother having a 1st edition comic when a 5th edition reprint, contains EXACTLY the same content? Because we do. 
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:18
Fair point. I can definitely relate to the collecting side. Im a sucker for comic/superhero related merchandise but when it comes to the individual issues I've always bought the collected volumes.
I must admit I have bought a couple of individual issues purely for the cover art. I make it a point of framing any with particularly striking covers (Spiderman Death & Destiny No4 comes to mind).
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:19
A1 comics and Forbidden Planet in Glasgow.
Tried online subscriptions,but i enjoy browsing and shooting it with the guy who runs the shop(A1) as he's got me into some great series over the years like DMZ,100 bullets,Y the last man,the boys etc.
Our Year
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:45:19
wish I had a local Cs 