The Dandy last ever issue
The Dandy Comic - Last Ever Issue - Tuesday 4th December 2012 | eBayHAVE to buy this surely ! Saw this in the paper today, sad 
My comic interest first started with my Dad coming home one day with two comics, he put them behind his back and me and my brother picked - I got the Beano, and he got the Dandy, and later, we added Whoopee and Whizzer and Chips (I got Whoopee) I remember them as a kid too ..I always loved the xmas annuals , it wasnt xmas without them The stack of Dandy and Beano that used to be behind my bed was mega.All got trashed once while I was away the only things that survived were my box of the little books that my mum missed.
My Beano used to cost pennies and now my lads Moshi Monsters is 3.99 a go !! This issue is £3.99 also, that can't have been the normal price.
Managed to grab the 2 last copies are visiting a few WHSmith's today and a couple more independents.
It is quite big with a reprint of Dandy 1 inside but I think i've already got one of those from a few years back in a 50th ani special.
Might give one to son for xmas and see what he makes of it. I use to get when I was a kid and swap it at weekend with the girl at the end of the street with her Beano.
I went to 4 shops in my are the morning it was announced and non of them had it in, my parents went into town the following day and got 1 at Smiths they said there were only 2 left after I got mine. Funny thing was I only took £3 and a few coppers when I went out (walking the dog) and never thought it would be £3.99 Loads being sold on eBay for more than double now