Author similar/like/alternative to Ian Rankin
HiMy mum likes crime / thriller books, I bought her a Nook for Christmas, want to get her some stuff to read, at the time I said who do you read, the answer was Ian Rankin (but she has read most of his books).
Can you suggest anything that I could download for her?
TBH I thought she would take to using the Nook but its not quite as simple as I thought, the first challenge is to actual get something to read on it! i like rankin and a few others r j ellory but he is a bitmore violent but gripping also anniversary man is my dav. Also i've read two jack reacher which were great i got nervous for him in the first one even though i knew there was another 18 books to follow. Could maybe try Peter Robinson; another long running UK detective series 
The Inspector Morse series of books can also be picked up pretty cheap now as a set. I discovered Peter Robinson, and she knows of him, infact read most of his books.
The thing is now she has a batch of books and is now using the device.
The next thing to try is library rentals, I.e. Sign in, down load and move of to the Nook via USB.
She does ok with modern tech, just takes a bit of time.