The History of Science Fiction
 Excellent graphic map!!! Thank you for sharing this infograph!!!
I've been reading Robert Siverberg's books!!! Nightwings (1969) and Dying Inside (1972) Nebula Award nominee was actually amusing (mentioned 220 and 171 in the list). And A Time of Changes (1971 - not listed) blew my mind!!! This list hadn't been updated since mid 2011 so I've added another 18 months worth of reading to it . Mental (says the person writing synopsis's/synopisi on the latest comics he is reading), but thanks! Lots of books on there I would pewrsonally have rated a lot higher, (Gibson and Richard Morgan for example). "Hyperion" I felt was a an awesome book but the Endymion follow ups were trash in my opinion.
However good to see "Grass" by Tepper up there (one of my faves) and you have an agreeable disdain for Orson Scott Card and Peter F Hamiliton. I would rate Ender's Shdow higher than Ender's Game, a personal choice of course. Both are very good.
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress - classic in many senses! I agree. Hyperion was so good I couldn't wait to read the others, but they didn't quite measure up.