Marvel NOW! Thread
Couldn't see a thread so thought I'd start one. What's everyone's thoughts on Marvel NOW? Which books are you looking forward to etc?I've found Uncanny Avengers to be surprisingly successful, even more surprising was I actually enjoyed it. I'm now looking forward to Iron Man, I really haven't enjoyed it as much as I should over the last few months, can't wait to see what the new creatives do. Also looking forward to Guardians of the Galaxy, for obvious reasons, I missed it first and second time around! What are the titles under this imprint, and is it a kind of take on DC52? Pretty much, although it's not a reboot as such, the vast majority will be getting new #1's, as well as the release of new series. Started with Uncanny Avengers this month and there'll be new comics every month for around 6 months. Picked up Uncanny Avengers this week in my Pull but not sure how far I'll go with the reboots.
It looks interesting but not read it yet.
I will pick up issues 1 of Thor, Iron Man, Hulk & Guardians but after that I'll see.
Not sure I can afford to run with them since Marvel seem intent on multiple issues a month & with the New52 as well it's running me pretty poor  lol
Looking forward to seeing how they rework the Guardians I love them & are some of my favourite characters in the Marvel universe & their stories are awesome.
Neil Uncanny Avengers was much darker than I thought, looking forward to seeing how the first arc pans out. Haven't decided whether to get any titles at the moment (currently only get ASM and Iron Man) Marvel Now | Comics |
Our Most Anticipated Marvel NOW! Comic Books - IGN
Marvel NOW-ledge: What We Know So Far About the Revamp | i didnt like Uncanny avengers ,,will check out spidey & Iron man though I enjoyed Avenger Vs X-men and the first issue of Uncanny Avengers.
I like the Quesada variant covers for a bunch of the number 1 , I got a few of the ones he did for 500/600 etc and these look as good.
Newsarama | Marvel NOW! JOE QUESADA Variant Covers Page 1
Spider-man .
Also I like the baby variants covers that started on A Vs X, but I do think that Marvel release too many variants for the average joe to get.
A bit of topic but the final issue variants of the current run look very nice as well, i hope they aren't too much when they appear on ebay. be the biggest change but for how long, not very is what I go for Hi i dont suppose you know what the 57 different covers are for issue one of the new Spiderman ?(ok 57 is a bit of an exaggeration )