I wrote a book!
You'll have to forgive my shamelessness - my first novel, a thriller called Noah's Ark has just been published. A small but excellent publishing house took me on over a year ago, working with me to edit, edit and edit again, and now it's ready. I'm very excited and trying my very best to make something of it, so I hope you can forgive my post!The kindle edition is here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Noahs-Ark-ebook/dp/B00B2YAYJ0/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1359825629&sr=8-9
And the paperback is here: Noah's Ark: Amazon.co.uk: Andrew J. Morgan: Books
I'm very proud of it, I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to any feedback you have to offer.
Thank you,
Andrew Good luck hope it does well. Always happy to support new talent!Will download asap and will give you feedback.Hope all goes well for you! Thank you both. If you enjoy it, please do leave an Amazon review. If you think it was terrible, I'd be grateful to know why! Many thanks for the review if it was one you chaps! Will read this after I have finished my current book. My friend is in the final stages of getting his book published, Just bought it now, reviews look promising
Good luck with your writing Thank you! What's the name of the book? Much appreciated, and thank you. If you could please review it once you're finished too, I'd be very grateful! Really sorry, but there are strict rules regarding advertising, whether its a shop or service that is offered. I will try and get some clarification specifically within this forum, and I wish you well with your sales, but for now the thread is locked.