Smurfin Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:32

Iain Banks has terminal cancer - RIP Iain Banks


BBC News - Author Iain Banks has terminal cancer

Only read The Wasp Factory and Consider Phlebas, but I've got a load more of his books on the shelf.His next book will basically be his last...

Smurfin Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:33

His website is down, but this is what he wrote:

KiLLiNG-TiME Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:34

Very sad news indeed, I sincerely hope he enjoys the time he has left with his good lady & family.

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:35

The Crow Road ranks in my non fantasy top ten.

Hope his time is spent as he wants and he squeezes more out of it.


richardb70 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:36


Very sad.

Greg Hook Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:37

Very sad. I've read many of his books both on the M and non M side and most of them are excellent.

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:38

I am very sad to read this too, he's one of my favourite authors and I've read all of his books.

Toko Black Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:38

Same here - absolutely fabulous author and will be a sad loss to the literary world ...... I was so excited about reading The Hydrogen Sonata when it comes out in paper back, but now knowing it will be his last culture novel, it will taint the joy of reading it 

Wideload Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:39

I've been a great fan of his books, both Culture and contemporary fiction over the years, (my avatar and signature quote is a giveaway!)

Very sad news.

FruitBat Publish time 25-11-2019 04:35:40

Same thoughts here.
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