Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
Is anybody else eagerly awaiting the final book in this series being released on October 19 - The Last Dark.These are my favourite series of books ever.Read my first one at about 17, and must have re-read the first and second chronicles about a dozen times by now.And the beauty of the books is the huge depth and warmth of the history of The Land, with each reading bringing out new details and insights.
I was both excited and dubious about the final chronicles when I heard they were coming out, as I couldn't see where the story would go.But why did I worry?Whereas I thought nothing could ever top Wounded Land (first book in the second chronicles), I've been blown away.
Donaldson is still as verbose as ever, never missing an opportunity to use ten words where two would do.But the beauty in how he describes things shines through, with The Land (especially Andelain) being one of the most vidid and beautifully described places in any book, ever.And the way he is bringing together the history of the Land and its legends.Utter genius.
I've never been this excited about the release of any film, game or CD as I am about this book. I read these many moons ago and have bought the whole series of books about 3 times now. Still do not have a copy though as I lend them out and never seem to get them back again.
I still rate this as my all time favourite read, but, since it's been over 20 year since I read them it may be time to go back and make sure I'm not viewing them through rose tinted glasses. The books have aged extremely well.
The final chronicles are well worth a read too.Won't give away any spoilers, but the scene under Gravin Threndor is just incredible. A few of my friends have mentioned these books, I should read them myself really... If you do, just be aware that the very first book "Lord Foul's Bane" is possibly the worst one.But the grand sweep of the stories is utterly enthralling, so hopefully you can get through the slightly stuttering start. Wow, it's years since I read the Thomas Covenant books by Donaldson. I didn't know they were still being churned out. I think I read the first 3 (started with Lords Bane if I remember right) and then didn't read any more.
I might have to go back to these as they were pretty good if memory serves. He started to write The Final Chronicles several years ago.Three books have been released so far, and the final one us due out a week tomorrow. The books are...
The First Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant
Lord Foul's Bane
The Illearth War
Gilden Fire (short book set during Illearth War, written from Bannors viewpoint)
White Gold Wielder
The Second Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant
The Wounded Land
The One Tree
The Power that Preserves
The Last Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant
The Runes of the Earth
Fatal Revenant
Against All Things Ending
The Last Dark (Delivery estimate from Amazon is October 17) I also read them well over 25 years ago & found them utterly enthralling, in fact I have long said give me a movie please at least of the first 3 anyway I always imagined Jack Nickerson in the main part (shows you how long ago it was I read them  even though I brought The Runes of the Earth I just haven't been able to pick it up for some strange reason I can't explain.. I was like you - a bit reluctant to read a new chronicles as I really couldn't see where the story would go or what the point would be.I thought the second chronicles was ended well, and there was no need to revisit The Land.
I was wrong.You really should make time.The first book is a bit slow (like Lord Fouls Bane) but believe me by the time you get to the third one you will be desperate to know how he is going to conclude things in the last one.