AVForums book club - littlesheepys choice
Thought it about time I put up some book choices. Will add a poll and some amazon links a little bit later when I'm on my computer.Tried to be a little bit varied and hopefully there'll be something people fancy trying to read...
Hospital Babylon - Imogen Edwards-Jones
Never the bride - Paul Magrs
Nightfall - Stephen Leather
I am number four - Pittacus Lore
Vet on call - Marc Abraham
Life... With no breaks - Nick Spalding
ps. Sorry for the delay in reposting with the poll  I have voted, but I am still to read the last one so will let you now my choice if any of them come to a tie and you want to remove my vote. Adding it to my Amazon Wishlist now. 
Oh, and stickied it for you. Ooops, forgot to check back! Looks like never the bride is the winner  Just need to finish Silver and I'm good to go. No rush, I'm just finishing off a couple  Taken me awhile but I've finally started this one. I'd like to participate in the book club. When does the next book start and what is it? I completely missed this, I'm happy to continue the book club with "Never the Bride" it £3.99 on kindle.