DC New 52 help
I started collecting when these comics 1st came out I had batman, justice league, green lantern and action comics 1-8Stupidly I sold them now regret and want to start collecting again, Im going to stry up on just the popular title again which I had but noticed a new one batman/superman had started up which interests me
My question is in my local asda they had what appeared to be no2 of this comic but on further inspection Also had Injustice 2 and superman unchained 1
Is this part of the new 52 and if it is would I better sticking to just the single issues The ones in asda are the uk versions I would havre thought, The batman/superman and unchained superman started a lot later than the new 52.To catch up you could get the trades, amazon have them at a good price, I started getting batman/superman and unchained superman but stopped the single issues at 5 I'd try ebay or the classifieds to catch up (I think inked selling those) there pretty good as unchained was written by Scott Snyder. Or have you thought about going digital I'm going to have to start again buying what I can from where I can without spending too mch deffo going to stick to only a few runs tho as I had about 8 characters on the go and that's how I got disinterested becos I couldn't keep up
I sold my batman 1-7 for a few quid each all variants a quick look on eBay has nearly made me cry lol
Ill check the classifieds and amazon thanks Full runs to date for the likes of Batman and superman will cost a few quid so trades would be the way to go mate. I've got a set of batman/superman 1-3 plus the doomsday variant knocking round, plus some of the very recent (26 onwards) batman and detective comics stuff I could sell. Would only be after cover price plus postage. I'd be very interested in them shall I set up a wanted thread in the memorabilia classifieds and hopefully work something out  Yes mate- let me know which titles you are after and I will get as many of the recent issues as possible together. I've added it to a thread in movie memorabilia
Think I'm gonna go for batman, superman, justice league and batman/superman
Many thanks Ok I've replied in your thread mate.