Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:56
I wasn't aware of that. Thank you.
(Reading this later, it occurred to me that you may think I was being sarcastic. I wasn't. My thanks were and are genuine. I didn't know why he published under two versions of his name, I suppose I assumed it was an evolution or a way to differentiate himself from another writer with the same name. Although, Wasp Factory seems to me to have been written by another...)
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:56
Thanks mate. I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I just don't want to make too many errors too often.
I'm aware that even intelligent people often judge one as unworthy because they can't follow the simple navigation tools of a forum like this. You are an exception.... perhaps even an Excession? 
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:56
Your most welcome Sir  keep at it as we are all still getting used the the forums facelift.
Don forget you can edit a post to correct anything or delete & just try again, i made so many mistakes when i started here & still do.
me an Excession 