Are there really any genuine funny books out there to read?
After reading a lot of non-fiction and recently more so fiction thrillers, I have decided I want a change in my reading habits.In the past I have read A few Bill Bryson's books, Hitchhikers, and tried Nick Hornby.
I want to laugh out loud, not be mildly amused by pretentious rom-coms.
As I get older (yes I am one of those!), I find the older TV series such as Fawlty Towers, Dad's Army, and Blackadder, the only things that make me laugh.Don't get me wrong I love Mock the Week QI, and Have I got News... really good. Including,quite a few stand up comedians, but the so called Comedy TV Series of nowadays, are mostly pants.
Right rant over from the Grumpy Old Man
So what have you read novel-wise, recently of say the past5 years that you can genuinely say made you laugh out loud? and made the wife, partner, cat, neighbour startled and think, I gotta get me that!!
It could be a list and if you can think of anything even a bit older no problem.
Looking forward to your suggestions - DM Wilt Does it have to be fiction? I'd try Spike Milligan's wartime bios for starters.
If fiction, then yes, Tom Sharpe is a good bet. His South African books are pretty hilarious.
And for those random bathroom moments, the Viz Profanisaurus is hard to beat, you need a puerile mindset though  It's an old one now but I loved Otis Lee Crenshaw: I Blame Society by Rich Hall. It's an "autobiography" of Rich Halls alto ego. Every paragraph was hilarious. Nah it does not have to be fiction, so far all the suggestions sound good.
richardb70My mindset is so puerile, my kids are more sensible than me!, also its pretty twisted, but got fed up of Frankie Boyle, as he seems to base his humour more on shock value, and hes become pretty predictable.
Keep them coming, my reading rate averages on one book over three days, unless I have to talk to the family  Terry Pratchett's discworld novels are very funny IMO. There are quite a few in the series of novels starting with 'The Colour Of Magic'.
But they are wacky and I recommend them.
 Terry Pratchet's Wyrd Sisters books. Of the Pratchett books I much prefer the Witches or the Guards books, and also the more recent Ludwig books (Postal etc) Frank Skinner - his autobiography.It reads a little like a stand up routine. As the first reply said ''Wilt'' or any of Sharp's books will have you laughing out loud. I had to stop reading his novels in public as people were thinking there was something not right with me.