Kindle Unlimited
Kindle users may be happy to know about the new-ish service on Amazon called Kindle Unlimited.For £7.99 a month you can borrow as many books as you want from a library of 650 000 books.The first 30 days are a free trial period so nothing to lose by giving it a try really... Is it possible to search Kindles library by Author ?After some googling I can't find anything. This would be key for me if I went the Kindle route.
Why do they make it so bloody hard  Create collections by author, so much easier. I haven't got a Kindle.
I'm considering getting one but can't find a list anywhere of what books are available to download either free or at a price.
I want to be able to find such a list and then search by author to see what they've got. Not very elogant, and I am sure there are better ways, but search kindle on Amazon? There is an advanced search function with Amazon to search by author