The Art of Mad Max: Fury Road
Art and design of Mad Max: Fury Road in glossy hardback is more than a read; it's essential viewing. Saw the new Mad Max movie in the cinema, thought it was a very loud soundtrack, full on action all the way from start to finish but why did they bother Mad Max is a classic movie and they did not do as good job. Mel Gibson is a lot better actor and atleast he talked in his movie the new Mad Max is on mute most of the time. No sorry wont be adding this movie to my collection. Pass I have to disagree I grew up with the Mad Max films and I thought Fury Road was clearly in the same world as the others and is one of the finest action films I have ever seen. I also can't remember Max saying much in Mad Max 2.Anyway back to the book, I love these Art of books so will definitely be picking it up. Seen this film at my local imax in 3d with d-box chairs, So much fun // well worth it. The top two drawings look like screen grabs from the FPS Rage! I have also written a full review of the companion book Mad Max Fury Road Inspired Artists. This should appear online next week.
For now, let me just say that it is jaw-dropping. The artwork is presented in many different styles and from 65 acclaimed comic book artists and illustrators. Of the two Art books, I think I actually prefer this "inspired" one for its sheer scale, breadth of imagination and captivating imagery.
And ... should you think that we are anywhere near Max'd out ... the full soundtrack review is coming soon too.
You can run! But you can't hide!!!! Off to order this one too now, you are costing me a lot of money 