What's the best Batman graphic novel/comic to start with?
I am a huge Batman fan, and wanting to make a start on reading some Batman graphic novels/comics, but there's that many, I don't know what to begin with first?Also, I like a bit of sexiness with it in regards to Catwoman, Batgirl etc..
Also, maybe any animated Batman DVDs/Blu Rays (seen as I've seen all the movie versions)
Any recommendations/advice will be greatly appreciated Right we are opening a massive can of worms here there are just SO many to choose from 
My faves though would be...
Dark Knight Returns
Arkham Asylum
Death in the Family (Do not confuse with the more recent New 52 death OF the family as it's pants)
Joker (Lee Bemerjo book)
Earth One
Year One
The Man Who Laughs
A lot of people will also recommend Court of Owls as being one of the best but I personally thought it was really weak & dragged on for no reason
Animation have a look at the recent run of DC animated titles these won't all be Batman related but ALL are worth seeing & the best of the bunch in my opinion are...
Under the Red Hood
Justice League Doom
Year One
Dark Knight Returns pt 1 & 2
Justice League War
Assault on Arkham
Justice League Crisis on Two Earths
All Star Superman
Superman/Batman Public Enemies
Superman/Batman Apocalypse
Think those should keep you going for a while but I'm sure some others will be in soon to recommend more.
Neil I know it's a bit random but last night I ordered from Amazon, The New 52!: Catwoman: Volume 1: The Game,
I was drawn to it by the front cover. I've never really been a fan of Catwoman so I've stayed well away from her series apart from the crossover issues for Death of the Family
Hope you enjoy it.
Be VERY careful about being drawn into comics by the cover...a few people on here will tell you it's not always a good idea & I for one can confirm that...I'm addicted to buying Grimm Fairy tales comics & that has stemmed mostly just from the cover art...Google them & you'll see what I mean 
It's been a slippery & very EXPENSIVE habit  lol
Neil Is there anywhere I can get Batman: Year One (region free) on Blu Ray? For under £15? $11 shipping at Amazon.com at the mo
Amazon.com: Batman: Year One : Eliza Dushku, Bryan Cranston, Katee Sackhoff: Movies & TV
A quick work out brings it to around- £11.36 delivered
Neil Got it off a guy on here for £7, should get it by Tuesday hopefully,
I try to see if I can get US stuff from people who actually have it in the UK already, less waiting around for post from US to UK, as it's already in the country, and what with it being on top of Christmas, there's more chance of things getting lost.. Back to the original post, which Arkham Asylum comic? There's a few versions isn't there? I really liked this incarnation of Catwoman (after I got over a certain part) - I have not read it all to date yet, but the first 3 or 4 GN worth are quite good.
I iwll post some (more specific and order based) stuff about Batman shortly, but Neil (Soundwave above) posted a bloody good selection to start with. Surprised no one's mentioned "The Killing Joke" I always think that's one of the best Batman graphic novels.