Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:13

Whats your newest collection?

I know some of us seem to collect more than actually read (I cant be the only one!) and this is the latest thing to captivate me - I say latest, but its actually Ian Fleming's James Bond, and specifically, the Jonathan Cape editions.

Firstly, starting a collection that you quickly discover can cost you more than £20k for one book is a little stupid to say the least. Thankfully my balance is not enough to do this, nor did I have any sensible hopes of completing it (the full collection) anyway.....but its nice to have a reason to go to boot fairs, charity shops etc 

The first book was this - Goldfinger. Not only because its a cracking film, but mostly because of the cover.


Thunderball followed not long after that....



And after that, a few more....

Pretty soon, within the space of 6 weeks I think, I have spent £200 and picked up nearly all the ones that I can afford. It wont stop me still looking at Casino Royale though......


Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 04:23:14

I cant say I go in for collecting as just to add books but do collect authors intending to read. Latest author I been collecting is David Baldacci.
I have been picking up paperbacks of his but collected his 4 Will Robie character in HB and hope to with further of his stories.
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