Kindle Two User Help Needed
My mother's just got a Kindle Fire and wondering how to (or if you can) set it up so she can read the books I buy on it at a different ip address, but not be able to buy stuff herself. If possible the ins and out how to do it.Also if possible not have the booksstored on my Kindle, as we have totally different taste.
Thanks for any help. Sign in on your account? I registered it at my home adders then went round to her house and picked her hub up and found she had access to my books. I just don't want her messing about and buying stuff by accident. I cant find where to log out of Amazon because every time I go on Amazon I'm logged in. I never bothered before but as her Fire picked up from an other IP address I'm just hoping there some security they have to log in and know my password at it.
You can turn off 1 click, but not for digital items? Bugger, that's rubbish, I have my missus Fire on my account, I need to make sure she doesn't accidentally press buy on something. Is there anything under the Fire's Parental Controls to disable 1-click, or add some kind of password for purchases? Really for children obviously but might work for your mum 
Otherwise it's a quick job to run books you've bought through Calibre to remove the you-know-what so you can load them onto your mum's device.